Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cupcake Heaven

I received a dinky little book this Christmas with recipes for Cupcakes and Muffins from The Hummingbird Cafe (thanks Ronan!). My first attempt at making these yummy Vanilla Cupcakes was a disaster, they just flopped but were nevertheless eaten by my husband and son who proclaimed them delicious despite their poor looks. This attempt was far more successful as you can see from above. The recipe below is for 24 - making 12 is not on in my house as there are always 3 or 4 scoffed straight away for "testing" purposes. Husband and son are always on hand for this, 1 each just out of the oven and another each when iced and completed.

Below is the recipe for cupcakes and frosting.

Vanilla Cupcakes (makes 24)

240g Plain Flour
280g Caster Sugar
3 tsp Baking Powder
2 pinches of salt
80g Unsalted Butter at room temp
240ml Whole Milk
2 eggs
1/2 tsp pure Vanilla extract

for the Vanilla Frosting
250g Icing Sugar sifted
80g Unsalted Butter at room temp
2 tablespoons of whole milk
a couple of drops of Vanilla Extract

Preheat the oven to 170oC (325oF/Gas 3)
Put the flour, sugar butter and baking powder into an electric mixer or use a hand held electric whisk and beat at a slow speed until you get a sandy consistency and everything is combined. Gradually pour in half the milk and beat until the milk is just incorporated.

Whisk the eggs vanilla and remaining milk together and pour into the flour mixture and continue beating until incorporated. Continue beating until the mixture is smooth.

This is quite a liquid mix which I didn't expect.

Spoon the mixture into paper cases until 2/3rds full and bake for 20 minutes. The skewer should come out clean when inserted. Leave the cakes cool in the pan and then put on a wire tray to cool completely.

To make the Vanilla Frosting - sift the icing sugar and add the butter mix until they come together. turn the speed down to slow and add the milk & vanilla. Once the milk is incorporated turn the mixer to high speed and beat for 5 minutes until light and fluffy. I added a drop of red food colouring to make mine pink for these.

Spoon the frosting on the cooled cakes and add hundreds & thousands for decoration.

Then enjoy!

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